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Demographic Data Report for Tennessee by County
Population: Age 18-39
All Races (includes Hispanic), Both Sexes
2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Data
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2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ
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Value (Percent)
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People (Age 18-39)
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Rank within US
(of 3143 counties)
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Tennessee N/A 29.3 2,031,999 28 of 52
United States N/A 29.8 98,679,467 N/A
Cumberland County Rural 19.9 12,256 137
Pickett County Rural 20.6 1,039 198
Decatur County Rural 21.5 2,473 333
Benton County Rural 21.8 3,466 366
Moore County Rural 21.8 1,427 367
Loudon County Urban 21.8 12,086 373
Clay County Rural 22.0 1,668 412
Van Buren County Rural 22.4 1,385 472
Unicoi County Urban 22.5 4,024 511
Henry County Rural 23.1 7,462 636
Cocke County Rural 23.1 8,375 648
Meigs County Rural 23.2 2,973 650
Hardin County Rural 23.2 6,213 652
Lincoln County Rural 23.6 8,337 738
Williamson County Urban 23.6 58,842 756
Polk County Urban 23.8 4,186 794
Haywood County Rural 23.8 4,240 812
Stewart County Urban 23.8 3,269 818
Roane County Urban 23.8 12,818 824
Houston County Rural 23.9 1,974 858
Fentress County Rural 24.2 4,503 924
Hancock County Rural 24.2 1,625 927
Hawkins County Urban 24.2 13,834 947
Humphreys County Rural 24.3 4,621 971
Monroe County Rural 24.3 11,289 972
Grainger County Urban 24.4 5,767 1,004
Obion County Rural 24.5 7,520 1,041
Marion County Urban 24.5 7,081 1,051
Perry County Rural 24.7 2,083 1,106
Jackson County Rural 24.7 2,902 1,119
Fayette County Urban 24.8 10,465 1,131
White County Rural 24.8 6,797 1,133
Sullivan County Urban 24.9 39,534 1,174
McNairy County Rural 25.0 6,463 1,199
Greene County Rural 25.0 17,602 1,213
Campbell County Urban 25.1 9,870 1,232
Grundy County Rural 25.2 3,409 1,259
Carter County Urban 25.3 14,243 1,319
Johnson County Rural 25.4 4,566 1,350
Lewis County Rural 25.4 3,213 1,369
Hamblen County Urban 25.4 16,413 1,373
Sevier County Rural 25.5 25,080 1,397
Dyer County Rural 25.6 9,410 1,424
Scott County Rural 25.6 5,613 1,438
Overton County Rural 25.6 5,782 1,439
Sequatchie County Urban 25.7 4,122 1,464
McMinn County Rural 25.8 13,815 1,503
Union County Urban 25.9 5,134 1,517
Giles County Rural 25.9 7,838 1,518
Blount County Urban 25.9 35,190 1,526
Warren County Rural 25.9 10,681 1,545
DeKalb County Rural 26.0 5,252 1,564
Crockett County Urban 26.1 3,637 1,588
Gibson County Urban 26.2 13,196 1,627
Wayne County Rural 26.2 4,270 1,628
Anderson County Urban 26.2 20,244 1,636
Jefferson County Urban 26.2 14,424 1,652
Henderson County Rural 26.3 7,327 1,681
Carroll County Rural 26.3 7,470 1,685
Lawrence County Rural 26.5 11,778 1,763
Rhea County Rural 26.6 8,785 1,789
Macon County Urban 26.6 6,747 1,791
Smith County Urban 26.6 5,331 1,795
Wilson County Urban 26.8 39,884 1,847
Coffee County Rural 26.9 15,635 1,901
Hickman County Urban 27.0 6,746 1,922
Sumner County Urban 27.0 53,203 1,938
Robertson County Urban 27.2 19,934 2,000
Cheatham County Urban 27.6 11,350 2,084
Bledsoe County Rural 27.6 4,094 2,104
Maury County Urban 27.6 28,201 2,112
Marshall County Rural 27.9 9,658 2,198
Bedford County Rural 28.0 14,130 2,203
Tipton County Urban 28.0 17,090 2,204
Cannon County Urban 28.1 4,072 2,241
Franklin County Rural 28.4 12,195 2,301
Bradley County Urban 28.5 31,025 2,321
Claiborne County Rural 28.6 9,166 2,327
Dickson County Urban 28.7 15,668 2,351
Morgan County Urban 28.9 6,098 2,380
Lauderdale County Rural 29.4 7,405 2,502
Madison County Urban 29.5 29,126 2,526
Hamilton County Urban 29.6 108,804 2,547
Hardeman County Rural 29.7 7,587 2,567
Chester County Urban 30.2 5,246 2,638
Shelby County Urban 30.2 280,182 2,648
Washington County Urban 31.3 41,676 2,761
Lake County Rural 32.0 2,209 2,827
Knox County Urban 32.4 156,196 2,862
Weakley County Rural 33.0 10,856 2,899
Putnam County Rural 33.3 26,725 2,913
Rutherford County Urban 34.4 118,171 2,948
Montgomery County Urban 37.3 82,898 3,040
Davidson County Urban 37.9 268,818 3,051
Trousdale County Urban 38.9 4,512 3,065
Created by on 09/20/2024 6:12 pm.

Φ Rural-Urban Continuum Codes provided by the USDA.

Source: Demographic data provided by the Census Bureau and the American Community Survey.
For more information about Population: Age 18-39, see the dictionary.

Data for United States does not include Puerto Rico.

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