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Demographic Data Report for Tennessee by County
Non-English Language: Language isolation
Ages 14+, All Races (includes Hispanic), Both Sexes
2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Data
Sorted by Value
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2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ
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Value (Percent)
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Households (language Isolation)
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Rank within US
(of 3142 counties)
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United States N/A 4.2 5,280,039 N/A
Tennessee N/A 1.5 41,562 17 of 51
Davidson County Urban 4.7 14,170 2,874
Hamblen County Urban 3.6 901 2,776
Rutherford County Urban 2.8 3,418 2,627
Clay County Rural 1.7 53 2,287
Hamilton County Urban 1.7 2,589 2,284
Shelby County Urban 1.7 6,142 2,268
DeKalb County Rural 1.6 137 2,243
Bedford County Rural 1.6 292 2,207
Stewart County Urban 1.6 79 2,205
Macon County Urban 1.5 141 2,173
Montgomery County Urban 1.5 1,199 2,145
Giles County Rural 1.4 161 2,087
Rhea County Rural 1.4 177 2,071
Knox County Urban 1.4 2,642 2,053
Van Buren County Rural 1.4 33 2,052
Sevier County Rural 1.3 508 2,034
Cannon County Urban 1.3 76 2,023
Warren County Rural 1.3 202 1,987
Robertson County Urban 1.3 344 1,986
Bradley County Urban 1.2 507 1,963
Jefferson County Urban 1.2 255 1,962
Madison County Urban 1.2 461 1,926
Putnam County Rural 1.1 366 1,879
Cheatham County Urban 1.1 175 1,876
Sumner County Urban 1.1 822 1,863
Grainger County Urban 1.1 99 1,826
Loudon County Urban 1.0 236 1,822
Dyer County Rural 1.0 152 1,814
Cocke County Rural 1.0 144 1,773
Wilson County Urban 1.0 540 1,768
Polk County Urban 1.0 69 1,764
Weakley County Rural 0.9 122 1,720
Washington County Urban 0.9 514 1,716
Williamson County Urban 0.9 806 1,708
Sequatchie County Urban 0.9 52 1,671
Anderson County Urban 0.9 273 1,663
Trousdale County Urban 0.9 31 1,661
Wayne County Rural 0.8 46 1,579
Henderson County Rural 0.8 83 1,556
Coffee County Rural 0.7 163 1,493
Maury County Urban 0.7 271 1,448
Blount County Urban 0.7 365 1,444
Marshall County Rural 0.7 87 1,419
Johnson County Rural 0.7 45 1,400
Carter County Urban 0.6 144 1,326
Haywood County Rural 0.5 39 1,243
Crockett County Urban 0.5 27 1,172
Lake County Rural 0.5 10 1,165
Franklin County Rural 0.5 81 1,140
Lauderdale County Rural 0.5 43 1,125
McMinn County Rural 0.5 100 1,124
Greene County Rural 0.4 124 1,091
Campbell County Urban 0.4 71 1,076
Gibson County Urban 0.4 83 1,043
Roane County Urban 0.4 86 1,002
Lincoln County Rural 0.4 54 981
Smith County Urban 0.4 28 964
Chester County Urban 0.4 22 953
Meigs County Rural 0.3 18 925
Lawrence County Rural 0.3 56 916
Claiborne County Rural 0.3 44 889
Fayette County Urban 0.3 51 869
Bledsoe County Rural 0.3 14 829
Sullivan County Urban 0.3 185 809
Obion County Rural 0.2 31 769
Hawkins County Urban 0.2 56 765
Fentress County Rural 0.2 18 747
Monroe County Rural 0.2 41 706
Hickman County Urban 0.2 17 661
Henry County Rural 0.2 25 659
Carroll County Rural 0.2 18 607
Hancock County Rural 0.1 4 570
Cumberland County Rural 0.1 37 564
Tipton County Urban 0.1 27 533
Overton County Rural 0.1 10 517
Marion County Urban 0.1 12 501
Perry County Rural 0.1 3 497
Decatur County Rural 0.1 4 475
Dickson County Urban 0.1 18 470
Hardin County Rural 0.1 6 410
Unicoi County Urban 0.0 3 387
Hardeman County Rural 0.0 3 377
McNairy County Rural 0.0 1 348
Benton County Rural 0.0 0 1
Grundy County Rural 0.0 0 1
Houston County Rural 0.0 0 1
Humphreys County Rural 0.0 0 1
Jackson County Rural 0.0 0 1
Lewis County Rural 0.0 0 1
Moore County Rural 0.0 0 1
Morgan County Urban 0.0 0 1
Pickett County Rural 0.0 0 1
Scott County Rural 0.0 0 1
Union County Urban 0.0 0 1
White County Rural 0.0 0 1
Created by on 09/20/2024 6:12 pm.

Φ Rural-Urban Continuum Codes provided by the USDA.

Source: Demographic data provided by the Census Bureau and the American Community Survey.
For more information about Non-English Language: Language isolation, see the dictionary.
A "limited English speaking household" is one in which no member 14 years old and over (1) speaks only English or (2) speaks a non-English language and speaks English "very well."

Data for United States does not include Puerto Rico.

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