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Demographic Data Report for Tennessee by County
Income: Median family income
All Ages, All Races (includes Hispanic), Both Sexes
2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Data
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2023 Rural-Urban Continuum Codes Φ
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Rank within US
(of 3142 counties)
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Tennessee N/A 80,258 42 of 52
United States N/A 92,646 N/A
Anderson County Urban 75,637 1,669
Bedford County Rural 71,159 2,028
Benton County Rural 65,800 2,404
Bledsoe County Rural 59,695 2,752
Blount County Urban 85,194 962
Bradley County Urban 75,270 1,695
Campbell County Urban 61,629 2,640
Cannon County Urban 71,000 2,040
Carroll County Rural 68,542 2,220
Carter County Urban 61,776 2,629
Cheatham County Urban 87,184 843
Chester County Urban 64,526 2,480
Claiborne County Rural 62,962 2,570
Clay County Rural 57,401 2,855
Cocke County Rural 51,012 3,026
Coffee County Rural 68,587 2,215
Crockett County Urban 71,375 2,008
Cumberland County Rural 66,883 2,330
Davidson County Urban 91,346 635
DeKalb County Rural 62,165 2,607
Decatur County Rural 63,795 2,522
Dickson County Urban 80,709 1,276
Dyer County Rural 66,250 2,373
Fayette County Urban 96,675 439
Fentress County Rural 54,716 2,942
Franklin County Rural 72,556 1,897
Gibson County Urban 69,813 2,120
Giles County Rural 75,009 1,717
Grainger County Urban 60,441 2,703
Greene County Rural 67,267 2,304
Grundy County Rural 55,784 2,916
Hamblen County Urban 68,553 2,218
Hamilton County Urban 90,913 662
Hancock County Rural 45,753 3,100
Hardeman County Rural 62,422 2,592
Hardin County Rural 52,664 2,987
Hawkins County Urban 64,529 2,479
Haywood County Rural 59,469 2,766
Henderson County Rural 67,725 2,267
Henry County Rural 62,917 2,572
Hickman County Urban 64,982 2,452
Houston County Rural 73,000 1,861
Humphreys County Rural 69,817 2,119
Jackson County Rural 64,938 2,455
Jefferson County Urban 74,977 1,722
Johnson County Rural 61,899 2,619
Knox County Urban 89,788 721
Lake County Rural 45,250 3,106
Lauderdale County Rural 55,679 2,923
Lawrence County Rural 66,250 2,373
Lewis County Rural 61,994 2,615
Lincoln County Rural 82,042 1,163
Loudon County Urban 87,660 824
Macon County Urban 67,944 2,256
Madison County Urban 72,116 1,935
Marion County Urban 66,592 2,347
Marshall County Rural 78,548 1,429
Maury County Urban 83,154 1,081
McMinn County Rural 69,420 2,160
McNairy County Rural 60,637 2,692
Meigs County Rural 67,440 2,291
Monroe County Rural 68,706 2,211
Montgomery County Urban 80,513 1,295
Moore County Rural 82,391 1,140
Morgan County Urban 66,363 2,370
Obion County Rural 66,073 2,391
Overton County Rural 66,627 2,344
Perry County Rural 61,881 2,620
Pickett County Rural 56,722 2,879
Polk County Urban 69,871 2,115
Putnam County Rural 69,491 2,156
Rhea County Rural 60,674 2,691
Roane County Urban 81,641 1,187
Robertson County Urban 87,439 837
Rutherford County Urban 90,389 687
Scott County Rural 48,799 3,069
Sequatchie County Urban 63,095 2,564
Sevier County Rural 72,407 1,908
Shelby County Urban 77,264 1,522
Smith County Urban 71,729 1,973
Stewart County Urban 80,958 1,254
Sullivan County Urban 71,464 1,997
Sumner County Urban 98,625 389
Tipton County Urban 79,871 1,338
Trousdale County Urban 65,857 2,401
Unicoi County Urban 66,886 2,329
Union County Urban 63,792 2,523
Van Buren County Rural 61,563 2,644
Warren County Rural 64,152 2,506
Washington County Urban 78,783 1,412
Wayne County Rural 63,222 2,554
Weakley County Rural 65,141 2,443
White County Rural 62,316 2,600
Williamson County Urban 145,896 27
Wilson County Urban 105,191 260
Created by on 09/20/2024 6:12 pm.

Φ Rural-Urban Continuum Codes provided by the USDA.

Source: Demographic data provided by the Census Bureau and the American Community Survey.
For more information about Income: Median family income, see the dictionary.
Median Incomes over 250,000 have been coded to 250,001 by the Census Bureau.

Data for United States does not include Puerto Rico.

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